Dentist Dr. Álvaro Farnós Visedo

Dental Planet
Zentrum für Implantologie
und Prothetik
C/ Las Adelfas, 1
Urb. Ciudad Quesada
03170 Rojales (Alicante)
Tel. 96 671 72 36
@dentalplanet_spain (Instagram)

With implantologist Dr. Alvaro Farnós Visedo, professor at Loma Linda University, California, U.S.A., we have a respected and absolute specialist in our team. He operates every week in our clinic.

Dental implants

At Dental Planet we perform both conventional implantology and computer-assisted implantology, which allows us to plan the result 100%.

All our implants are inserted by Professor Dr. Álvaro Farnós Visedo. His work is fast, precise and minimally invasive. Thanks to Dr. Álvaro Farnós Visedo’s vast experience, there is almost nothing we cannot do in implant dentistry.


Bone augmentation (bone grafting), tooth extraction and implant placement at the same time are performed in our practice with the help of fibrin treatment.
“PRF” strongly supported.

The “PRF” treatment is an autologous blood therapy that uses the body’s own growth factors to accelerate healing, promote bone and tissue regeneration, and improve the integration of the implant into the bone. These growth factors are obtained from the patient’s blood during implant surgery.

At Dental Planet, Dr. Álvaro Farnós Visedo has been using the fibrin treatment technique “PRF” with the IntraSpin™ system for many years with great success.

Published in the Costa Blanca Nachrichten on Friday, October 27, in the section Specialists of the Costa Blanca.