
Treat root inflammation painlessly and successfully

What does endodontics mean?
The word endodontics comes from the Greek word “endodoncia” and means “that which is in the tooth”, i.e. the nerve of the tooth (also called pulp). The dental nerve is located inside the tooth and runs along the root canal to the tip of the root.

How does root inflammation occur?
The most common cause of root inflammation is bacteria that are deposited on the tooth due to decay and, if left untreated, then attack the exposed pulp. The result is usually an inflammation of the root . Inflammation of the dental nerve can be extremely painful and lead to tooth death. To save the tooth, a root canal treatment can be performed.

How can root inflammation be treated?
If the nerve of a tooth is painfully inflamed, there are two ways to solve this problem:

Pulling out the tooth : the resulting space should be closed as quickly as possible so that all the teeth in the mouth do not move, which can cause unpleasant pain in the jaw, neck and back.
Save your own tooth with a root canal : it is very important that all the canals of the tooth are completely free of germs before the tooth can be closed again and crowned.

Endodontics course – root canal treatment – root canal filling
During root canal treatment, the inflamed nerves are completely removed and all root canals of the affected tooth are completely cleaned so that treatment of the root inflammation can be successful. If the root inflammation is detected early and treated in time, this measure can be very successful and the affected person can save his own tooth.

During root canal treatment, the tooth is first drilled. The nerve of the tooth is removed and cleaned with special equipment. After disinfection, the root canal is completely filled with a self-hardening paste and the tooth is resealed.

In our practice we use modern instrumental technology (mechanical preparation and electronic length measurement) to clean the inside of the dental nerve canal down to the root tip with millimeter precision. We give special importance to the localization of all the affected canals in the tooth. Our very high success rate confirms that we succeeded very well. We use the well-known “Maillefer Wave on e” system using a Zeiss magnifier.
To prevent further bacterial colonization, the root canals are finally filled with a liquid filling, which is then hardened and hermetically sealed.
The most important thing during endodontics or root canal treatment is to make the root canal completely free of germs; success depends on it.

Do not wait too long if you experience toothache and contact your dentist as soon as possible. Early detection of caries increases the chances of preserving natural teeth for as long as possible and prevents root inflammation in advance.