For anxious patients

Fear of the dentist is widespread and has various causes.
At our Dental Planet dental clinic in Rojales, Spain, we take anxious patients seriously and do everything possible to ensure that dental treatment is as gentle, painless and pleasant as possible.

nyone who is afraid of the dentist or has a fear of dental treatment may have had negative experiences at the dentist or felt great pain during a previous dental treatment. Some patients were not informed about the individual steps of the treatment and had the feeling that they were at their mercy. There are many reasons why one may develop a fear of the dentist. The typical odor of the dentist’s office is often enough to provoke a feeling of stress and fear.

If you describe yourself as a fearful patient, we ask you to tell us before your appointment what scares you and how you would like to be treated. We want to help you overcome your fear of the dentist and any information will help us in this task.

Advanced methods and modern equipment allow dental treatment to be as gentle, painless and precise as possible, resulting in better results with less effort and less or no pain for the patient.

We also offer dental corrections that do not require drilling, grinding or injections. For example, defects of the front teeth can be corrected quickly and painlessly with Lumineers or veneers (paper-thin veneers).

Trust our experience so that at some point you can say: “Now I’m not afraid of the dentist anymore”.